Saturday, October 2, 2010

September 25: The brewery, Missouri Breaks, was great. Such a nice feel, this place could have been cut out and transported to any major beer loving city. the home batches were tasty too. I recommend the Belchin' Ale. I met a bunch of great people including Mark, Press, Suzie-Q, Cody, Johnny, and the owner, Doc Z's (who is also the town's MD and originally from Syracuse), daughter and assistant brewer, Jessica. I also got to avoid find accommodations by running into Paul, the couch surfer contact I'd emailed but got no response from in town. he never got an email and didn't know about me but said immediately agreed to pit me up for the night. I ran over to a local mom and pop for dinner that had been owned and operated by the same family since 1927. I got to talk to three generations of family about the town and the cafe as I waited for my food. after that, I ran back to the brewery and Paul dropped me off at his place and went to dinner at his Aunts. Freshened up and watched tv with him and his sister Jenny after he returned until I started to doze.

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