Saturday, August 28, 2010

We get to Tiger's and here is this 75 year old biker God standing before us still nimble, and fit. Seriously, Carol told us that Tiger still bikes over 50 miles a day and runs at night. Tiger, whose wife's name is Jane, showed us around his collection of racing recumbent bikes and his shop. and yes, Tiger still races time trials in Illinois and Wisconsin and wins them. His shop is just filled with tools, bikes, and memories. Pictures of Tiger riding dotted the walls alongside other cyclists both tourers and racers. Getting down to business, Tiger sold us each a tube, knocking off a dollar each (road discount). The flat and added detour meant we didn't have a chance in he'll making it the last 18 miles for the day, so we asked Tiger for some sage like advice. The best advice he could give us was a little pull off near a North/South bound county highway. He also pointed out the one store, Casey's, in the Village of Dakota.

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